Monday, May 18, 2009

*(kisses hand)* Don Corleone. (Door closes) (Curtains)

"Is it true?" Kay asks the straight-faced Michael.

"No," he replies simply.

When Kay leaves, it is revealed that Michael is to become the new Don of the Corleone family. As Kay watches to much of her dismay, a bodyguard slowly closes the door on her, shutting her out of the mafia. As we analyzed the position Kay was in during the film, she has just been accepted by the family, only to have the door close on her, shutting her out of Michael's life forever. This ending could also signify how Michael has gone so deep to save his family from destruction, that he has lost himself on the way, and has completely shut the door on his past life.

Georgia-Literary Feature Hunt(post 5)

In the Godfather part 1, Micheal seeks out sollozzo and Captain McCluskey and has dinner with them. later on in the night he shoots them because they were behind the attempt to kill Micheal's father,Vito Corleone.In that moment where Micheal comes back from the washroom with the gun and he is getting ready to shoot them, we see Micheal making a choice with himself. the choice to stay the man his father wanted him to be which was a legitimately powerful man like a politician or the choice to become the another man in the mafia. at the moment when Micheal sends the gun shot through sollozzo and the captains head,the choice he made was a turning point for the man he became for the rest of his life.the choice he made was to be another member of the mafia.

Georgia-The Human Condition(post 4)

The element of Family is key in The Godfather part 1. what i mean by this is, they are never disloyal to their family.Everything they do is for their family. Sonny was always there for Connie when ever Carlo hurt her,he attempted to save her but in the end he was killed. And when traitors came through the family,they were killed.They protected there families from the dangers of the mafia.Micheal was determined to make the family mafia free but in the end he fell into the family business too deep.This element of family connects to a piece of literature i read in grade 8 ,The outsider, where there is a group of boys living in a violence filled neighbourhood. the element of family keeps them together. They are there for each other. They died for each other. they fought for each other.Family is key.

Georgia-Class Act(post 3)

The last session i had with the class we were watching the scene where Micheal meets Appollonia and a reoccurring word that come up was juxtapose. at that point in time i had no idea what the word meant and i went on and found out. the definition is "to place close together or side by side, esp. for comparison or contrast". in class, i heard people saying that Micheal and sonny juxtapose each other. i understand what they meant but i do believe it isn't necessarily the correct term to be using. the scenes between sonny and Micheal juxtapose each other and Micheal and sonny's personalities contrast each other not juxtapose.
Just thought i would clear that up :)

Georgia-Archetypes (post 2)

In the Godfather part 1, Micheal has several companions.His brothers,Fabrizio,Family friends. Generally though in a hero's journey,the hero has one companion who stays with him as constant through the story. In the Godfather, no one is truly trusted and not everyone survives in the family business. Frado it sent away to Las vegas,Sonny is killed by another family,Fabrizio vanishes after killing Micheal's wife,Appollonia, and none of the family friends were close enough to Micheal to trust. The only true companion left for Micheal was his brother Tom.Tom remains a loyal companion,although he doesn't seem it,he is the only one Micheal can trust in the end.

Georgia-Litereary Feautre Hunt(post1 )

I'm very behind on my blog work due to the fact that i missed some screening sessions but i rented The Godfather part 1 and have caught up so i am writing what i found.
Francis Ford Coppola enjoys using juxtaposed scenes.Specifically ,he uses it to show the different personalities between Santino and Micheal.One scene he uses this is during Micheal's stay in Sicily where he meets and falls in love with Appollonia. he treats her with old time traditions of respect for women. then, we shown an apartment building in New york where sonny is coming out of a room where he was having an affair with a woman that is not his wife. These two scenes directly juxtapose each other because it shows the comparison of Sonny and Micheal's personalities.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

NO! NO! APOLLONIA! (kaboom)

Just when we got to know and love Apollonia, she is incenerated in a car explosion caused by the traitorous Fabrizio. Just a few questions: If Apollonia hadn't died, would they have gone on to live an ideal Italian life? What were Michael's true motives in marrying Apollonia? Was it out of love or was it "strictly business"? Was Apollonia's death necessary for Michael to have a reason to come back and save his family? Questions that can hopefully be answered.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Split Personalities

Just an observation:

Satino "Sonny" Corleone: The ill tempered personality, quick to act for the worst.

Michael Corleone: The charismatic, decisive, and ruthless personality.

Fredo Corleone: The gentle, kind personality, but a coward.

Tom Hagen: The careful, patient, and decisive personality.

Don Vito Corleone: The Dominant Personality (A combination of all of them)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Same guy, different person.

"Will I ever see you again?" Kate asks Michael Corleone before he leaves to kill Sollozzo and Captain McCluskey.

Technically, this part is the last time Kate will ever see the Michael Corleone she knew before he joined his father's mafia gang. In Sicily, he undergoes many changes, experiencing many horrors, having reality hit him point blank in the face. When he comes back, he is still Michael Corleone physically, but mentally, he has changed into a darker figure.